Photo Package
Teams of 3
Before April 2nd -$90
After the 2nd or day of the event - $120
What you get: Each athlete who purchases a photo package is guaranteed 10 great shots, you are likely to get many more. We do not guarantee photos of every movement or workout but my team and I work hard to get you a variety of images from the day. If there is a floater WOD separate from the main heats, you may need to give me or a photo team member a heads up if you want us to capture images from that WOD.
Additional Info:
1. Participation in this photo package is an express acknowledgment that Daniel Bray Photography, his assistant/s, the gym, and it's owners have the athlete's consent to use these photos in a commercial capacity.
2. The photos purchased through this package may not be used by the athlete or anybody else for commercial purposes. If the athlete has sponsors or corporate partners who may want to use these photos for commercial purposes, they may contact me and arrangements can be made.
3. When the photos are ready and uploaded, the notifications and links will be made available via the Daniel Bray Photography FB page / Instagram and/or email.